1) Have Gun Will Travel (http://www.myspace.com/hgwtmusic): newly signed to our favourite label, Suburban Home, HGWT (for short) are from Florida. Like Chatham County Line and Frontier Ruckus, they're not averse to mapping traditional instruments onto tunes that range wider than simply roots, taking in rock and pop influences.
2) Puzzleroot (http://www.puzzleroot.com): if I say ‘quirlky’ don’t run off, ok - this is smart, witty and off-kilter roots music. Primarily a trio of guitar, banjo and upright bass, Puzzleroot sound like Pixies on a relaxing summer retreat and evoke memories of cult acts like Colorblind James Experience. You can also listen to a lot of Puzzleroot over at CBC: http://radio3.cbc.ca/#/bands/Puzzleroot
3) The Bloody Hollies (http://www.bloodyhollies.com): admittedly at the fringes of what you’d expect to hear on the Gilded Palace, these guys are everything your garage-rock fan wants. Tracing a lineage from the MC5 to The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, these guys do not mess about.
4) Good Luck Mountain (http://www.goodluckmountain.com): – barely a ‘new’ band, as they may be more familiar to some of you as Tandy. This is very much a fresh start for Mike Ferrio and his revolving cast of players though; inspired by (and indeed memorialising) lost colleague and friend, Drew Glackin, their self-titled ‘debut’ album is a stunning piece of work. Cannot wait for Mike Ferrio and Ana Egge's visit in October: tickets for the Brighton show here - http://www.wegottickets.com/event/127011
(No flashy videos needed!)
Gilded Palace Radio Show: playlist until September 16th:
Puzzleroot - They - www.puzzleroot.com
The Country Devils - Omaha - Porkchop Records
The Sweetback Sisters - Love Me Honey Do - Signature Sounds/CRS
Eilen Jewell - Queen Of The Minor Key - Signature Sounds/CRS
Carrie Rodruigez & Ben Kyle - Unwed Fathers - Ninth Street Opus
Society - Wheels A Turning - Brickhouse
Chatham County Line - Chip OF A Star - Yep Roc
Anna Coogan - Come The Wind, Come The Rain - www.annacoogan.com
Paul Curreri - Miles Run the Daffodil Down - City Salvage
Blueflint - The High Country - Johnny Rocks Records
Richmond Fontaine - The Chainsaw Sea - Décor
Peter Bruntnell - By The Time My Head Gets To Phoenix - Slow River
Blame Sally - Throw Me A Bone - Ninth Street Opus
Sarah MacDougall - Sometimes You Win. Sometimes You Lose - Rabbit Heart
Have Gun Will Travel - Salad Days - Suburban Home
Frog Holler - Control Freak (I Know I Know) - Zobird
The Takers - Diamond Ring - Suburban Home
The Reid Brothers - Done And Dusted - Fat Hippy
The Bloody Hollies - John Wayne Brown - Alive!
Old Sledge - Aint No Ash Gonna Burn -www.oldsledgemusic.com
Richard Buckner - Witness - Décor
Peter Case - Steel Strings No 1 - Alive!

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